Did you just apply for your own authority and wondering...now what? You're not alone. This process sounds simple in the beginning and then you begin to realize there are so many pieces how will you possibly put this all together! Well you're in luck! I'm here to share with you your next step! Here's what the FMCSA doesn't tell you!You filed for your authority with the FMCSA, paid your fees (hopefully not too much), and received your DOT #. But wait...where is your MC number? Why can't you see that today? Well you can...sort of. It's embedded in your MCS-150 form until the FMCSA releases all of the data...tomorrow. Yes, you can wait until tomorrow to view all of the info on the Licensing & Insurance web page. To tell you the truth, I'm not sure why all of this is so confusing other than it's how the government rolls. I've spent the last 31 years trying to make this process simple for my clients by creating checklists, charts and videos. So let's go back to when you get the screen that assigns your USDOT number. Are you done? Nope! This is only the beginning. You still have a few pieces left before you're ready to file your insurance/bond and become active with the FMCSA. Another issue I see that's really common is applicants simply pay too much to the FMCSA and immediately have to find a way to fix their authority application. If this is you, we can help. We fix many authority applications daily to help nail down the foundation of the authority so they can move on and actually run your business. If you haven't downloaded our 10 Point Checklist do it now right here! Then come back to this page and read on... Watch the video and I'll share with you what you need to do next. Please like and subscribe so you won't miss out on new content! Important LinksFile your BOC & UCR: www.evilsizor.com VIDEO What is a BOC-3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xoD0... DOT PIN: https://safer.fmcsa.dot.gov/AutoPin/index.xhtml Update MCS-150: https://www.fmcsa.dot.gov/registratio... Portal: portal.fmcsa.dot.gov Interstate Permit Checklist
This handy checklist is a MUST HAVE for every truck's permit book. There is not one blanket permit that covers all because there's too many agencies hands in the pot. This checklist will help you sort out the details for a typical 80,000 GVW truck.
DOT Audit Checklist
Want to know what you'll need for your New Entrant DOT Audit? Here's a checklist to help you sort it all out.
Still not confident? We offer DOT Audit Assistance where we will help you compile all of the required information and upload it into your DOT Audit Portal. Visit us at www.milesoftraining.com to learn more about how our DOT Audit Assistance works. Avoid These 6 Mistakes
In my 27 years of FMCSA experience I have been able to narrow down the most common mistakes most people make in the beginning of their operation.
Download this free guide and get on the right track from the beginning. It'll not only save you time but it'll also save you money and needless frustrations. DOT Safety Systems Checklist
All carriers need to put safety systems into place as a requirement implemented by the USDOT. Many of these documents within these systems will be needed to fulfill your DOT audit. Here's a handy checklist w/links to guide you in the right direction and go beyond compliance.
pdf w/embedded links
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Penni RoystonHi! I've been working in this industry for over 34 years. I've learned a lot and want to share it with you to help you keep this process simple! Archives
November 2024